Saturday, July 20, 2013

Darlings of Decay


 I have a review page  and I will be reviewing this as soon as I finish Dawn White's, Jean Booth's and several other amazing ladies stories... check it out for the best latest and greatest Zombie reads.
   Here is an excerpt from my story in Darlings of Decay, I will put buy links below!!
 One day you’re minding your business thinking about how much you hate PE and wishing the fire alarm would get you out of there, and the next you get bit. It’s a strange feeling to have a human latch onto you with animal-like strength and rip off part of your leg. It is even stranger when they growl like a rabid dog and claw at your face. The weirdest thing was that he was my PE teacher at one time, and now… well, now he looked different.
 I’m lying on my belly in the dirt beneath the school. From here, I can see the parking lot and the front lawn. I’m not really sure what my plan is, but this is where I ran after I was bitten. The chaos in the gym was too much for me. The school has a very old foundation, and I knew I could belly crawl beneath it because I had hidden there from a bully two years ago. He transferred out to be a delinquent somewhere else long ago, but it stuck with me.
 I have been lying here since yesterday afternoon when I was bitten. The sleep I had fallen into was neither comfortable nor restful, but it had lasted off and on throughout the night.
 My leg is starting to hurt a little, and it probably doesn’t help that it is pressed against the dirt. The part of my shirt I ripped haphazardly to tie onto it will have to do for now. I am almost scared to look at it for fear I will see the black, rotting flesh I witnessed on those that were biting on others in the gym. I’m not really sure how long I’ve been tucked underneath the building, but it’s not really that much fun down here.
 Right after I had hidden in my dirt sanctuary, I had heard gunshots and screaming. The slow moving feet of what I’m calling the black flesh were visible, and I saw a couple of them fall.
 One in particular had struck me as odd because he clearly had a broken arm. It had hung lifelessly at his side. The strange angle at which it had hung made me sick, so I had averted my eyes. There had been a loud gunshot, and when I had looked back, his head was gone.
 As far as I can tell, I have been under here for hours. There really is no way to know. I wish wearing a watch was one of my things. No, I had to try to be cool with the power bracelet. It is a leather strap that snaps around my wrist, making me feel like a bad ass. I don’t feel too bad ass right now; in fact, I feel defeated. I’m pretty sure I have been bitten by a zombie, and since I don’t believe they exist outside of some of my favorite movies, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around it.
 I wish I had done so many things while I was alive. Third base with a girl sticks out in my mind, and now it’s never going to happen. Why did I have to be so shy? Speaking of third base, there’s my classmate, Cassie. I always thought she was pretty; I should have talked to her more. I wonder why she is running like that. I am going to get out and talk to her now.
 I see stars as I drag myself forward because the pain in my leg is almost unbearable. Sweat beads up quickly all over my body, but I will myself not to black out. I’m glad it took me awhile to get to the edge of my hiding spot because Cassie is pulling Nancy Drake out of her car and tossing her on the pavement. Either Nancy has a wound, or she has someone else’s blood on her. Cassie tells her to get back in the car and has taken off walking, so maybe she has reconsidered.
 A pair of hands grabs me from behind. I can feel nails digging in through my pants. The scream I let out is less than manly. Who the heck is under here with me? Turning my head as far as I can, I see a man with dirty, red hair and a bloody mouth. He is unforgivably sinking his fingers into my wounded leg. Scrambling through the pain, I manage to get out from under the building, but he is right on my heels not far behind me.
 A nearby zombie that looks a lot like my math teacher—but is missing half of his face—has spotted us and is coming toward us. Great, now I have to try to run. As I move, the t-shirt bit that I had tied around my leg falls off, but I am not moving fast enough. The math teacher is coming from one side, the red-headed blood face is coming from behind, and now it looks like Nancy Drake has come over to the black flesh side because she’s slow walking towards me from the parking lot.

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